Marital status: married with Kris Smets (Head of Graphic design at the Province of Vlaams-Brabant)
Language: Dutch (Native speaker) / French and English (Excellent command) / German (Basic command)
co-chairman & member of SBC (The Belgian Society of Cinematographers) - www.
Member of 2punt8 . A team of 8 experienced independant cameramen. Lou Berghmans, Kris Vandegoor, Peter Vancraesbeek, Kris Dechamps, Diego Dezuttere, Rolf Lemmens, Bart Deherdt & Sam Van Roosbroeck contact: (+32(0)471282828 -
Independent member within the board of directors of the Flemish audiovisual fund (V.A.F.). Left the board in April 2021.
Secondary activity: music management CHECKPOINTCHARLIES until 2012 hosting following bands THE SCABS - GUY SWINNEN - STASH - 1060 - VERLIN - TUBELIGHT - JEROEN MEUS
High School: Koninklijk Atheneum Leopoldsburg (graduated with a B in scientific studies)
Film School: RICTS: A1 Short type: Image, Sound and Edit (Graduated)
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